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Silage [DA.FF.S]

    Silage Clinic – Key Messages

    Making quality silage – what are the key influencing factors? Tips for making quality silage and minimising nutritional losses were discussed at a recent FAS event at the James Hutton…

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    Maximising Silage Quality

    As silage time is just about upon us, it is worth thinking about the key steps in the silage making process to maximise nutritional quality and minimise nutrient losses as…

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    A Guide to Feed Budgeting

    Forward planning forage supplies helps understand whether you will have enough conserved forage to meet the livestock demand – this is becoming more critical as weather is fluctuating more from…

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    Best Practice Procedures For Making Baled Silage

    There are a number of important steps during the silage making process which can influence nutritional of the end product, impacting on livestock performance and cost of production. This factsheet gives advice on when to cut grass for silage, how long to wilt for, use of additives and handling and storage of bales. Environmental considerations of baled silage are also discussed including forage budgeting and type and amount of plastic used.

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