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Agri Culture

Agri Culture

Farming is a way of life, and is as much about the people as it is the land, crops and livestock. In this Agri Culture podcast series, Mary-Jane Lawrie will speak to a range of inspirational people from the farming community, with a whole host of interesting tales to tell. Join us in conversation to find out what drives them and their businesses, where they get their inspiration from, and what they love about agriculture.


Latest Episode:

I'm Mary-Jane Lawrie, and in this episode I’m joined Claire Taylor.  Claire is a journalist and describes herself as an agricultural communicator.  She has recently finished her travels as part of her Nuffield Farming Scholarship and is now in the process of compiling all the information from her travels.  We talk about her career and how that led her to applying for the scholarship, what she learned from it, and how we, as farmers, can work together to engage with the public to tell positive farming stories. She shares with us some of her amazing experiences from her travels and gives us a real insight into what farming is like in other countries. Read more >>

Previous Episodes:

Season 2

Mary-Jane Lawrie is joined by Jenn Stewart.  Jenn Stewart, partner & Head of Rural and Landed Estates at Johnston Carmichael, joined the company in 2019. Jenn has extensive experience in advising owner managed businesses and provides counsel to a wide-ranging portfolio of clients across multiple sectors. Jenn was brought up in her own family farming business and is now involved in her husband’s farming business. Jenn talks to us about the topic and theme of succession. Read more >>

Mary-Jane Lawrie is joined by Kirsten Williams.  Kirsten is a livestock specialist with SAC Consulting and she also runs a farm business on Ranna Farm in Aberdeenshire with her husband Ross.  They have sheep, cattle, and a turkey enterprise on their rented farm.  They were new entrants, working hard to secure a tenancy and build up their business to support them and their family.  Kirsten has a really positive outlook on life and she tells us how determination and hard work have helped them succeed. Read more >>

Mary-Mary-Jane Lawrie is joined by some of the team at Glenrinnes Estate at the foot of Ben Rinnes in Moray.  Estate manager Ali Laing tells us about the estate as a whole, and we are joined by head keeper Gordon Aitchison, distillery manager Martin Peroni, trainee farm worker Alex Shearer and head gardener Damon Powell.  They all share their stories of working on Glenrinnes Estate and how their skills and enthusiasm come together to help run a successful community focused Scottish Estate. Read more >>

Mary-Jane Lawrie talks to John Scott and Jock Gibson from Farmstrong Scotland. Farmstrong Scotland is a new initiative which is inspired by Farmstrong New Zealand and Doug Avery’s visit to Scotland a couple of years ago. John and Jock tell us what Farmstrong is, why they want to be involved in it, what wellbeing means to them, and give examples of how they implement Farmstrong’s five steps to wellbeing in their own lives. Read more >>

Mary-Jane Lawrie talks to Lawrence Martin who was a new entrant to farming. After doing an HNC in agriculture at college, he started an apprenticeship with Lantra and SRUC. The apprenticeship gave him the opportunity to get out on farm and ultimately became a farm manager. He tells us of his farming journey, how the apprenticeship scheme works and how you can get involved in the scheme.   Read more >>

Mary-Jane Lawrie talks to Lucy Mitchell.  Lucy was an active member of Young Farmers from her early twenties and went on to become national chair of SAYFC from 2022 to 2023.  Lucy has recently handed over this role, and she tells us about what Young Farmers is, what sort of opportunities it gives young people, and what her year as national chair was like.  Read more >>

Mary-Jane Lawrie talks to Ana Allamand. Ana grew up in Chile before moving to Scotland. She tells us about agriculture in Chile and her work over here with the Soil Association. Ana works to bring farmers together to learn from each other and foster innovation, and has great knowledge about how culture and agriculture fit together.  Read more >>

You can listen to all of our previous episodes on Spotify, iTunes, or your preferred podcast app

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