Soil Health – A Route Towards Net Zero for the Scottish Livestock Industry
Farm Stock (Scotland) Limited (FSS) was awarded a KTIF grant on 10/11/2021. The grant covered a project entitled A Route Towards Net Zero for the Scottish Livestock Industry to be run over the period 10/11/2021 to 31/03/2022 and for completion by 31/03/2022.
The operational group comprised of FSS, providing overall project management and the selection, access to and co-ordination of the participating farmers, KBevan Consulting providing specialist knowledge and consultancy in improving productivity and efficiency at both farm and chain levels of the livestock sector, SoilEssentials Ltd providing the required specialist soil sampling techniques and subsequent analysis and soil scientist Dr Bill Crooks, who as a soil and water specialist contributed practical soil management expertise to both farmer meetings and the project report.
The project was designed to help the Scottish agricultural industry meet the Scottish Government’s net zero targets by becoming more efficient specifically, through better management of soil health and also to provide the Scottish Government with a snapshot of soil health across a representative sample of Scottish livestock farms.

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