Control of Arable Grass Weeds in Scotland: An Integrated Approach (Borders) – event summary
24 January 2017Andrew Baird gave a welcome and introduction which Jonathan Black followed with a presentation on the facts and figures of grass weeds, how they can affect gross margins. A practical plant identification quiz then gave the opportunity for the audience to do some hands-on learning.
Attendees were asked to split into teams and identify the of plant samples; the message was “knowing your enemy !” Donald Dunbar then discussed cultural controls such as; ploughing, rotation and delayed drilling, followed by an update on the pesticides available to deal with problem grass weeds. Guest speaker Iain Lyndsey area manager for Syngenta, discussed his experience of black grass and Syngenta latest nozzle technology “DEFY 3D”. Donald Dunbar then finished off the meeting with a recap on how much of an issue grass weeds can be, backed up by data from large English estates, Enforcing they core message, that early control is critical!
- Control of Arable Grass Weeds in Scotland
- Topics: Crops and Soils
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