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Crofts and Small Farms

Win-Win – Crofters’ Assistance for Energy Efficient Heating

The Croft House Grant (CHG) can help alleviate fuel poverty for some crofters providing them with warmer homes that are cheaper to heat.  This grant has recently been updated to include Energy Efficiency options at a higher grant rate to help tackle the Climate Crisis.  These improvements will mean lower fuel bills and a more…

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The Farm Management Handbook

The Farm Management Handbook Your guide to Scottish agriculture The Farm Management Handbook is an essential tool for any progressive farm business, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date source of information for farmers, crofters, rural professionals, students and consultants. Subject matter covered includes: Crop Inputs Arable Potatoes Grassland Forage Crops Livestock Dairying Beef Cattle Sheep Red…

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Crofting Matters – Livestock Disease Risks on Crofts

Disease risk in livestock, and biosecurity is something we perhaps don’t consider as much in crofting areas as farmers might in more intensive systems. Crofting tends to be more extensive, with lower densities of stock, but we often share bulls, and graze on common ground. In this episode I’m joined by Kythe MacKenzie, who is…

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Preparing Crofts and Small Farms for 2025 and Beyond

Future agricultural support is changing, and while the schemes crofts and small farms are eligible for will not change in 2025, there are additional things you will have to do to access support for next year. Like all other businesses in the sector, crofts and small farms will need to have completed at least two…

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Crofting Matters – Routes to Crofting

This episode hears from 2 crofters with two different routes into crofting. In this episode we discuss how they gained their croft, what they found were barriers, and hints and tips for aspiring or new crofters.  I’m delighted to be joined by Derek Dick, who is a relatively new crofter in Berneray, and Angus Ferguson,…

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Ireland Trip Summary

As a current agriculture student in Scotland I was very much looking forward to furthering my knowledge of the subject on the trip to Ireland and seeing the similarities & differences between the Scottish and Irish systems. The trip particularly allowed me to expand my knowledge of biodiversity enhancement as we learned greatly about the…

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