Starting Up Small-Scale Beekeeping – Nairn

Come along to Nairn Community Centre on Monday the 4th of March to learn all about keeping honeybees!  Its too cold to have any practical demonstrations, but Lorraine Johnston, Bee Advisory Officer for SRUC Veterinary Services, will talk you through everything you need to know if you are thinking of starting up or have recently started. You will learn about the life-cycle of the honey bee, how they pollinate flowers and crops, and how to keep healthy honey bees.
We cover:
Obtaining bees
Native bee considerations
Legal responsibilities
Disease and pests

Siting an apiary

We start at 10.30am and finish at 2.30pm.  Lunch, tea and coffee provided.  Free of charge for smallholders, crofters and farmers.

This event is part of a series. Click below for information on the other events in the series –

Starting Up Small-Scale Beekeeping – Skye | Events helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (

Starting Up Small-Scale Beekeeping – Dingwall | Events helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (