Lanark Market – River Clyde Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchment Area

In collaboration with SEPA and Farming & Water Scotland, we will be attending Lanark Market on Tuesday 18th March to bring you more information on the forthcoming farm visits within the River Clyde Priority Catchment area.

The River Clyde catchment is one of the identified Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchment areas in Scotland.  These are rivers and coastal areas that are currently failing to meet water quality standards, and which will not achieve improved water quality without a focused management approach.  Priority Catchments are of high amenity value for land managers, residents and visitors alike in terms of their use, environment and economy.

SEPA officers will be visiting rural land managers to discuss ways in which they can reduce diffuse pollution and provide advice on legislation, including the Diffuse Pollution General Binding Rules (GBRs). The officers will be visiting farms >30Ha and they will be looking at any impact on the water environment from activities such as:


  • Livestock impact on watercourses
  • Fertiliser collection, storage and applications
  • Cultivation of land
  • Pesticide use
  • Sheep dipping
  • Drainage from steadings and land
  • Silage and slurry storage

Come along for more information.