How to Reduce your Farm Energy Bills Webinar

  • February 28 2023
    7:30pm - 9:00pm
Book event

Spend an hour learning how to spend less on your farm power!
Join us online on 28th February at 7.30pm when we will be joined by Rod McGovern of Farm Energy Consulting to discuss how you can reduce your energy spend.
Topics for discussion include:
o    What changes you can make
o    Energy use within rural housing
o    The potential for renewable energy to be part of the solution
There will be lots of opportunity for questions and discussion so please come prepared with your questions and experiences. This event will be held in a webinar format so participants will not be seen, only the host and speaker, but you can submit your questions via the Q&A chat box and questions can also be submitted anonymously.
Related FAS Materials:
External Materials:
Company of the webinar speaker –