The Scottish Farm Advisory Service runs a range of free events, both online and in-person.
Our events are a great way to pick up free advice and guidance, and also give you the opportunity to meet other people from across the agricultural community to share ideas and network. If the event is a webinar then you’re attending as a viewer only but if it’s a meeting then the video conference software we use means that, should you want to, you can switch your camera on and interact with other attendees.
Women in Agriculture Western Isles – Biodiversity Audits
Venue: Hosta HallRegion: Western Isles
Time: 1:00 pm
We are hosting a drop in session where you can bring your laptop/ipad, pens/paper and have a go completing the map yourself with SAC Consulting and RPID staff around to support you.
Gairloch Crofting Discussion Group – Sheep BCS and nutrition
Venue: Myrtle Bank Hotel, GairlochRegion: Highlands
Time: 6:00 pm
Just in time before lambing, we will look at body condition scoring of ewes and nutrition, so that adjustments can be made pre-lambing.
Lanark Market – River Clyde Diffuse Pollution Priority Catchment Area
Venue: Lanark MarketRegion: Lanarkshire
Time: 10:00 am
In collaboration with SEPA and Farming & Water Scotland, we will be attending Lanark Market to bring you more information on the forthcoming farm visits within the River Clyde Priority Catchment area.
Women in Agriculture Stornoway – Whole Farm Plan
Venue: Caladh Inn, StornowayRegion: Western Isles
Time: 7:00 pm
Please meet in The Croft Room at the Caladh Inn. The Caladh Inn can be found in the above map. What3Words Location Major changes are planned to the subsidy system…
Quality Meat Scotland – On the Couch with Michael Blanche
Venue: Inverurie Town Hall, InverurieRegion: Aberdeenshire & Moray
Time: 5:45 pm
‘On the Couch with Michael Blanche’, host of The Pasture Pod, brings together five young, positive, entrepreneurial stars who are clear that their future lies in farming. They’re striving to do…
Lairg Crofting Discussion Group – Habitat Identification
Venue: Lairg Community CentreRegion: Highlands
Time: 10:30 am
Dr Cathy Mayne, a member of the Lairg Crofting Discussion Group, is an ecologist and will lead us on a croft walk to look at the identification of habitats –…
Benchmarking – Cost of Production
Venue: North West Castle Hotel, StranraerRegion: Dumfries & Galloway
Time: 6:00 pm
The final meeting in the Benchmarking series will focus on calculating the full Cost of Production (CoP). This is essential to allow you to plan for changes in milk price…
Common Grazing Finance Development – Harris
Venue: Harris Hotel, TarbertRegion: Western Isles
Time: 7:00 pm
Join us at the Harris Hotel, Tarbert for part 2 of these informative, informal and enjoyable meetings. Held over two evenings, we will look at the responsibilities of hard-working committee…
Common Grazing Finance Development – Lewis
Venue: Caladh Inn, StornowayRegion: Western Isles
Time: 7:00 pm
Join us at the Caladh Inn, Stornoway for part 2 of these informative, informal and enjoyable meetings. Held over two evenings, we will look at the responsibilities of hard working…
Biodiversity Audits – Help with Habitat Mapping
Time: 7:30 pm
As one option within the Whole Farm plan conditions for future subsidy, you can complete a Biodiversity Audit. This involves creating a habitat map of your farm and is something…
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