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Body Condition Scoring

Body condition scoring is a useful tool that farmers can use and is the best guide to the correct feeding of suckler cows.  It estimates the energy reserves of the animal and should be done regularly at key stages in the production cycle (calving, housing, weaning etc.).  Scores range from 1, very thin to 5, very fat.

Target condition scores for beef cows:

  Autumn Calving Spring Calving


3.0 - 3.5



2.5 - 3.0





2.5 - 3.0

2.5 - 3.0

Calving and fertility problems can be seen in cattle at both extremes.  Excess fat around the pelvic canal can lead to complicated and assisted calving, plus cycling problems and delays in conception.  Over thin cows lack stamina and can have problems with weaker calves, poorer colostrum and lower milk yield.  For these cows, breeding competes with early lactation nutrient demands.  This can delay cycling and embryo losses can be high.

If necessary wean low BCS cows earlier to allow for an increase of condition and later for fat cows.

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