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Poultry Health for Beginners

19 December 2024

As a keeper of poultry it is important to know the signs and symptoms of some common health issues, as well as how to prevent and treat pests and diseases that can impact on their health and welfare.

Sourcing stock

Sourcing high health stock from reputable breeders is critical in reducing the incidence of poor health in your flock. Pullets can be vaccinated against diseases such as Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT), Fowl Pox and for Marek’s Disease, significantly reducing disease incidence in your flock.

Mineral provision & soft-shell eggs

If the diet is unsuitable then poultry can experience health issues related to either mineral/trace element deficiency or to mineral toxicity, where minerals are oversupplied in the diet. This can cause a whole range of health issues in your poultry, ranging from poor growth and production, and even to death.

Figure 1 - Soft shell egg (British Hen Welfare Trust)

Inadequate nutrition can also cause soft shell eggs, where an egg has a thin shell or no shell at all. Soft shell eggs are an issue because you cannot sell them as class A eggs, and in many cases it won’t make it out of the shed unbroken. Soft shell eggs can be caused by stress, either from a disturbance or due to issues with the environment such as high temperature. However, a poor supply of calcium can also inhibit shell development. Soft shell eggs can also be a sign of other ailments such as infectious bronchitis and shell gland infection.

The best way to ensure this does not occur is to purchase high quality poultry feed from an accredited reputable poultry feed supplier. In addition, for larger scale producers, engaging with a specialist poultry nutritionist will help to ensure that your poultry suffer no health and welfare impacts from an inadequate diet.

Red mite

Red Mites are tiny external parasites that are around 1mm long and red in colour when they have fed, but grey in colour when they are hungry. Red mites are nocturnal and come out during hours of darkness to suck the blood of the poultry. This can cause anaemia in the chickens but can also spread disease within the flock. Red mites can live for up to 6 months without feeding and have a life cycle of around 10 days from hatching to breeding, so even a small initial infestation can quickly develop into a much larger problem.

Figure 2 - Red Mite feeding on a hen

Eradicating red mite is difficult, so prevention and control of red mite numbers is key. Strict biosecurity measures, such as ensuring wild birds do not have access to the poultry feed or housing, and wearing clean clothes that are kept on site, will help in reducing the risk of a red mite outbreak. If you have a red mite infestation, a proper cleanout procedure coupled with a red mite spray and diatomaceous earth should help to bring red mite numbers under control. Encouraging regular dust bathing by providing a space for your hens to do this and adding diatomaceous earth to the soil will also allow your poultry to treat themselves for red mite.


Poultry are affected by many internal parasites such as Roundworms, Tapeworms and Gizzard worms. These are typically picked up by poultry while ranging. If untreated these worms can lead to poor health, welfare, loss of production and even death. Internal parasite populations in your poultry can be checked by conducting parasitic egg counts in their faeces. If a worm burden is found in this test anthelmintic products are available to treat the affected poultry. can also reduce the level of the contamination.


The predation of poultry by raptors, foxes and badgers is becoming increasingly common as most poultry are now kept on free range systems. Some studies have found that predation by foxes affects 0.5% of the total flock. Poultry are totally reliant on their keeper to ensure their safety.  Measures such as electric fencing around the range, ensuring that your birds are inside at night, inspecting the range/housing for damage from predators each day and conducting repairs where necessary all help to reduce predation.


Good biosecurity procedures are crucial for protecting your birds by reducing the pathways through which pests and diseases can spread to your poultry. Measures can include but are not limited to:

  • Covering storage for feed and bedding to protect from wild bird contamination and vermin.
  • Ensuring vehicles, equipment, clothing and footwear which are moved between and within farms/poultry houses are properly cleaned and disinfected.
  • Controlling access to your poultry.
  • Cleansing and disinfecting sheds, feeders and other equipment during turnaround.

James Orr, SAC Consulting

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